In the same way that we can use a boot{Trait}() method in a trait/concern for an eloquent model, it would be nice to be able to register specific date fields in a trait/concern (i.e. Publishable with a published_at timestamp column).

trait Publishable
    public function getPublishableDates()
        return ['published_at'];


Here is the trait that will enable this functionality on your eloquent models.

trait HasTraitsWithDates
     * Get the attributes that should be converted to dates.
     * @return array
    public function getDates()
        $class = static::class;

        foreach (class_uses_recursive($class) as $trait) {
            $method = 'get'.class_basename($trait).'Dates');

            if (method_exists($class, $method) {
                $this->dates = array_unique(
                    array_merge($this->dates, $this->{$method}())

        return parent::getDates();

The beautiful part is that this feature is additive in nature. Both default fields, created_at and updated_at, as well as those defined in the $dates property on a model are still included with any trait based date fields when getDates() is called.